Steroids and All Their Significant Offspring

7 min read

Yeah, this should cause quite a few folks to “STEAMED” at me. Here are some facts about me: I have never ingested any illegal substances. I’ve occasionally made the offer to anyone who has questions about my abilities: “If you, The Doubter, pay for the doctor’s visit, I’ll be more than delighted to take a drug test.” I have consistently trained my butt off for the past 21 years. I admit that I’m not the biggest, strongest, or fastest person. Yet, for a guy who has never injected a needle or taken an illicit drug, I’ve done pretty darn well. I’ve established my claim to being among the world’s strongest all-natural strength athletes.

But this is where I’m really going to confuse you:

Do steroids actually harm your health? Or are they genuinely a Fountain of Youth when used moderately?

Let’s look at this in greater detail: Every day, people harm their bodies in a number of different ways. Drinking, smoking, drugs (including marijuana, coke, heroin, etc.), and food are some but not all of them. Take a look at the obesity issue in our nation; over 80% of people there are overweight. I refer to these people as “Walking Corpses.” prime prospects for diabetes and heart disease. Take a look at the food store; everything that is unhealthy is quite inexpensive. But everything that is beneficial to you costs money! Is something wrong here? In my opinion. There could be a plot, such If we consume all of this junk food and grow ill, we will require medical attention. The other side of this is that if we are healthy, we will only need to visit the doctor once a year for a physical. I can tell you that doctors dislike men like me since they don’t profit from us. They only come to see us once a year. But if we consume all of this disgusting fast food and garbage, we are much more inclined to visit the doctor. Hence, the conspiracy is determined by The Powers That Be. Hey, let’s make all the healthy foods unaffordable for the common person and make all the junk stuff really affordable. People’s health will decline in this manner, and we’ll make more money in the process!

Far-fetched? maybe. But I’m not writing this to rage; rather, I wanted to make a point. There is solid evidence that steroid use in moderation benefits the body. Yes, they will help you rather than hurt you. Steroids are being prescribed by doctors to geriatric patients, burn sufferers, people with HIV/AIDS, and cancer survivors. Did you know that testosterone therapy is being recommended by doctors for men over the age of 40 to aid with their libido, muscular mass, and mobility?

Did you know that as males, our levels of the hormone testosterone decline considerably with age? Moreover, our estrogen levels rise. This is bad news for males because a decline in test levels will prevent us from building muscular growth, lower our libido, and trigger an increase in estrogen that will make us more like women. Your test levels should be higher than your estrogen levels as you become older. A blood test is one way to do this. *Only those over 35 are required to complete*

Are certain types of steroids really bad or are they a means to help prevent illness and muscle atrophy if doctors are prescribing them?

Think-provoking, doesn’t it? Here is only one of the several issues with steroid use. Addiction. They want more since they are so ecstatic about their increased muscle growth. It is how we have been raised as a society. Never can we be content with what we already have. The problem with addiction is right here. The negative effects start to show up at this point. It has been demonstrated that there are no negative side effects when taken as directed by a doctor and in moderation. similar to how eating ice cream won’t make you fat. Yet, eating ice cream every day will lead to obesity. You will undoubtedly experience issues if you start taking twice as much as you should.

Another issue is that many use steroids to gain advantage before they try pushing their bodies to the maximum naturally. Without drugs, how will they ever know what they are capable of? If the human body is properly trained and cared for, you will be amazed at what it is capable of. Like a well-tuned machine, the body is. The machine won’t operate if you fill it with substandard gas and no oil. Nonetheless, the machine will run well if you change the oil and fill it with high-quality fuel. But is it really strange to you the number of cheap shortcuts we witness today in a world where parents who failed to succeed as athletes strive to live their previous glory via their kids and then start fights at their kids’ sporting events?

The counterargument to the aforementioned claim is as follows: If we as humans want to be the best we can be and/or have the longest possible lifespans, then why wouldn’t we want to employ augmentation to help us in our quest or goal?

Why is juicing harmful if it’s been established that steroids improve the body, prevent muscular atrophy, make you seem younger, and boost libido?

I’m not sure, but I think this creates more questions than it does answers. The perception among young people is that you need equipment to be the greatest since so many elite athletes have been found guilty of juicing. This is truly unfortunate. This, in my opinion, instructs children to not bother making any meaningful effort on their own to see how far they can take the skill that God has blessed them with. Instead, they are aware that if they have a poor season, they may improve the following year by hitting a bit harder, gaining a few more yards while running, etc.

And can you really criticize them if this is all that some of the sports stars on television feed them? I wish I knew the solution, but I am aware that I am not as well-known as actors or professional sports teams. But I can assure you that despite being recognized as one of the world’s strongest men, I have never used any sort of steroid. I earned what I’ve accomplished physically via hard work, perseverance, motivation, and a strong work ethic. If you desire something, get out there and read, learn everything you can, and soak up all the information you can to achieve your objective. Humans are a remarkable species. Your mental state determines how weak you are. If you tell yourself, “I can do this,” think positively, and have patience, the benefits will be a treasure you’ll have for the rest of your life that no one can take away.

Are steroids really that harmful to your health? Or do they serve as a tool to help the body reach its maximum potential?

They are, in my perspective, a little bit of both. They are a curse that will cause a severe fall in the wrong hands.

I believe they may be a fountain of youth that can help persons who are terminally sick to live a better quality of life under the right circumstances, such as to combat against life-threatening illnesses and under the proper advice of a skilled health expert.

I’ll keep abstaining from drugs as I always have, and I don’t encourage or advise anyone else to use any illegal substances. The only goal of this page is to inform people who might be interested in the subject. I believe that our society spends a lot of time and resources demonizing topics like steroids. But unlike other medicines, steroids do not cause death. Consider booze. Do you ever see any prominent figures in government shouting about this terrible substance that claims lives every day?

No!!! because alcohol generates millions of dollars in revenue each year. I’m not trying to advise someone how to live, but kids get drunk and get in their cars before leaving. I simply wanted to share some perspective from a strength athlete who has trained for 21 years without using drugs and who has never juiced but can objectively understand all sides of the argument.



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